IoT services and devices

IoT services and devices

CEDES Elevate

CEDES Elevate is a cloud-based IoT platform that enables smart elevator management, optimizing service through data-driven maintenance recommendations, and people flow insights.

cegard/Smart ECom solution (data hub)

The cegard/Smart ECom solution bundles passenger safety with exceptional operational efficiency. It combines door safeguarding (compliant with EN 81:20 and A17.1-2019/-2022) with an elevator data hub connecting to our cloud-based IoT platform CEDES Elevate and enabling multimedia emergency communications.

cegard/Smart solution (stand-alone IoT)

The cegard/Smart solution provides door safeguarding (compliant with EN 81:20 and A17.1) and connects to our cloud-based IoT platform CEDES Elevate, allowing for 24/7 elevator health monitoring and people flow analysis.
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