
Enrico Putzi is Swiss Champion in Automation

Enrico Putzi, automation apprentice at CEDES, and his teammate Florentin Kaufmann from the Bühler Group won the gold medal at the IndustrySkills 2023!

The way to Bern was a long one – the IndustrySkills 2023 regional selections took place already in February. “The preparation process was demanding, but at the same time we had a lot of fun. I got a chance to meet many new people and deepen my automation knowledge”, Enrico sums up. The suspense grew with each competition stage, to reach its climax at the finals during the SINDEX tradeshow in Bern. Despite their excitement, the winner team mastered the challenging tasks with nerves of steel. “Although we weren`t considered as frontrunners at first, we knew our chances for the gold medal were good after achieving 100% SPS functionality for each task. We were extremely happy when our good feeling was confirmed during the award ceremony. All in all, it was an exciting experience, and we can`t wait till the WorldSkills 2024!”

CThe vocational trainer Georg Eggenberger has accompanied Enrico on his journey to Bern and is pleased with this spectacular victory. “The preparations for the Swiss Championships were undoubtedly challenging, but we have mastered them with the help of numerous supporters. Their engagement allowed us to represent the automation industry in Switzerland at the highest level. The hard work has only just begun, and we are taking it up full of motivation and energy. I am convinced that we will write a similar success story together at the WorldSkills 2024 in Lyon.” Enrico would also like to thank all the supporters who made training possible for the young champions – emax, IGA Graubünden, sphhaus, BZWU and Bühler Group. “I am also grateful to our trainer Patrik Reichmuth and of course to my team partner Florentin Kaufmann, who did an excellent job during the competition.”

Reto Maron, Head of Human Resources at CEDES, is proud of our apprentice`s incredible success: “CEDES has been offering apprenticeships for more than 30 years. We currently have 25 apprentices in 8 various professions. In the past, we already had many young professionals who passed their final exams with flying colors,” he says. “But Enrico`s triumph belongs to the champions league. As a vocational training company, we are extremely proud of Enrico, who has overcome all the hurdles on his way to Bern. We have always believed in him and supported him in his endeavors. His victory is an outstanding achievement and we`re hoping that he will also win at the WorldSkills in Lyon!”

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