
Pioneer Newsletter Q4 - 2018

Investment in AI, artificial intelligence, is growing fast and omnipresent in all kind of machinery. After IoT “has connected” machines with machines and with human beings, AI is using those data to create intelligent results and dedicated measures. This helps machines to understand and to resolve situations autonomously.

Until today the closed loop was “sense – analyze – act”, now an additional loop “perceive – understand – solve” embraces today’s loop. China is again reacting faster regarding AI, not to be the first, but to resolve their future anticipated problems. The global AI market is growing by a CAGR of 26.2% (2015 – 2020) and China by 44.5%.

AI needs data, huge amount of data. Human brains are working differently compared to computed AI. After seeing a few cats, a 3-Year-old child recognizes immediately the next cat. An AI machine needs thousands of cats in order to distinguish reliably a cat from a similar sized and looking dog.  

Data are not coming by themselves, most data are acquired and provided by sensors, all kind of sensors. Those disruptive 3D and massive data providing sensors are an important base for AI guided machineries. Hence, data are the oil of the future. One important new CEDES product is the direction sensitive TOF/Start. Advanced customers are implementing it in their new generation escalators and numbers of shipped TOF/Start are increasing every month. This sensor recognizes if a person wants to mount an escalator or a roller conveyor, only then the device starts or accelerates. It safes significantly energy, because it ignores all cross traffic. In addition, it recognizes dangerous situations when people are crowding up and getting squeezed by following passengers with heavy suitcases. That example demonstrates impressively how different today’ machinery perform with its higher intelligence.

Not only innovation is key, CEDES claims to be the leader in quality in its industry. That has been confirmed again in 2018 where the failure rate has been lowered to a few hundred PPM. Only very committed employees enable such a consistently high-quality level. This Month again a CEDES employee is awarded well deserved as a CEDES pioneer. Arben Ibrahimi guarantees, together with his team, this high level, even regarding its assembly complexity, difficult to produce product light curtain. Congratulation to this great achievement.

Christian-Erik Thöny CEO CEDES Group

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