Pioneer Newsletter Q4 – 2021
Whether we want it or not, the climate change will have a tangible impact on the future. We will experience many symptoms such as migration waves triggered by aggravated living conditions, adverse effects on flora and fauna or the measurable impact on gross domestic product, as demonstrated by Mark Carney, a famous Canadian economist and one of the most influential bank managers.
GDP impacts of climate change relative to prior trend.
While such long-term challenges are difficult, if not impossible, to counter for politicians with short terms of office, they open new opportunities for the economy, creating new values and potential profit. The private equity scene has recognized this opportunity and keeps investing in sustainable companies. The expectation towards politics is to provide for favorable framework conditions and business environment, allowing the economy to develop the dynamics necessary to reach the ambitious sustainability goals that politicians preach.
Sustainable solutions are an opportunity for the CEDES Group as well. Why? Sensors provide data, with which you can control functions and save energy. Let`s take industrial doors as an example. Based on available data, you can keep the door open for only as long as absolutely necessary, significantly reducing energy loss in buildings like cooling storage facilities. More generally, suitable sensor systems will trigger an actuator exactly when it is needed, so that it doesn`t waste any energy outside of its core function. There are numerous examples of how CEDES sensor systems can contribute to saving energy and consequently to saving our planet. This is particularly interesting on a larger scale, when the connected, sensor-based control of multiple systems such as machines, transport flows or the operation of buildings ensures efficient energy management and prevents massive energy waste.
Our own building serves as a flagship for CEDES innovation. Together with partner companies, we installed a brand new type of elevator in the Science Park. We would like to thank Raloe and the partners they chose for the project - Wittur and Carlos Silva - for making this innovative elevator installation a success. It includes the CEDES APS (Absolute Positioning System) combined with our SIL3-certified position supervisor unit iDiscovery and an electronically activated safety gear. This solution simplifies the elevator hoistway in a radical way, making many components such as the mechanical overspeed governor redundant. On top of that, it ensures a much more efficient operation and maintenance of the elevator, providing for more targeted and quicker rides with energy saving mode between them. The available data can serve as a basis for preventive maintenance, thus reducing component failures and elevator downtime. The APS/iDiscovery system becomes particularly interesting for a group of elevators. People flow in a large hotel, an office building or an apartment block can be streamlined in a way to allow for vast savings in energy, time and even building space. These savings ensure a much faster return on investment of the entire building.
Environment protection and energy efficiency are of utmost importance for the CEDES Group. This is reflected not only in our products, but also in other sustainable solutions applied in our own building. The energy produced with 1'650 m2 of photovoltaic panels on the roof will cover around 25% of our energy consumption, saving 64 tons of CO2 per year and reducing energy costs, which is a relief given the fluctuating electricity prices. Our employees are encouraged to use environment-friendly means of transport – they can now use one of the 4 e-mobility stations in the Science Park to charge their e-cars at a fair price.
Christian-Erik Thöny
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