A word from our CEO
Since I took over my new role as CEO six months ago, we have experienced a number of changes and challenges, including a significant expansion of our global manufacturing footprint. Standing up a manufacturing facility in a matter of 11 months is an impressive accomplishment, albeit with some challenges that our teams are vigorously working through to improve our performance for our customers.
We have launched our new IoT product platform and are excited about a very positive market response to the overall program, as seen at the NAEC Convention in Reno and the interlift in Augsburg. Together with our strategic partners, we are set to bring elevator service to a new level, as we continue to learn and transform from a company selling hardware to a provider of digital products.
Last but not least, we have focused these past few months on reflecting on our performance, capabilities and systems, and have put in place plans for a new digital platform and new processes for ordering and manufacturing to leverage our global footprint. We look forward to an exciting 2024 and I promise to try to keep you appraised of our developments in this year of CEDES reconstruction and renewal.
Thank you for this successful year. We wish you a safe and smooth transition into 2024.
Patrick Bass
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