Despite the corona crisis - 100% ready to deliver
We are closely monitoring the global spread of coronavirus and are complying with the current recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) as well as the recommendations of the local authorities at our respective sites.
It is our responsibility to protect our employees and to stop the virus from spreading further. Negative impacts on our and your business activities must be prevented as best possible.
The CEDES Group, with its 350 employees, develops and produces intelligent and reliable sensor solutions both in Switzerland and in China. We distribute our innovative products to over 60 countries worldwide from our business sites in the USA, China, Singapore, Japan and Switzerland.
Quality and delivery reliability are particularly important to us. Even during these uncertain times, our main priority is to supply you with products of the required quality on the agreed date.
We have implemented a number of measures to protect our employees and to maintain our ability to deliver. In addition to the repeated recommendations of the WHO, we have informed our employees worldwide about how to deal with this situation and instructed them to adhere rigorously to the measures on returning from high-risk areas and being in close contact with someone who has tested positive or shows symptoms of the disease, as well as on quarantine and hygiene.
Further, a worldwide travel ban has been imposed until further notice. Our employees have been instructed to reduce personal contact with customers, suppliers and colleagues to a minimum. If you are unsure about anything, just give us a call, send an email or contact us through video conferencing.
Our employees are currently working from home wherever it makes sense and is practical. This is obviously not possible at our production facilities. We have therefore taken far-reaching measures:
- Access is only granted after disinfecting your hands, putting on a respirator mask and having your temperature measured
- Teams are divided into smaller groups and work alternately in half shifts
- All internal meetings are now only conducted via Skype
- The layout of canteens and break areas has been remodeled to ensure a minimum of two meters between people at all times
A crisis team is monitoring strict compliance with the measures implemented and reviewing them daily as new evidence becomes available.
Stay healthy!
Christian-Erik Thöny, CEO CEDES Group
Andreas Hunziker, Managing Director CER
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