



Michael Schatt


Steven Freedman


Robert Frank

Die Vielfältigkeit der Aufgaben und die Möglichkeit jeden Tag etwas Neues zu lernen gefällt mir besonders bei der Ausbildung bei CEDES. Als Automatikerin lerne ich das Kabeleinziehen an Schaltschränken sowie das komplexe Umschreiben von Softwareprogrammen von Anlagen.

Tenzing Seshongma, Automation apprentice

"In my work as electronics technician, I appreciate the alternation between manual tasks, such as soldering or measuring, and working on a computer. As a host company, CEDES offers me the opportunity to get to know different departments and tasks during my apprenticeship. Thanks to very good working atmosphere and straightforward interactions between employees and apprentices, I feel completely comfortable as a woman in a technical profession."

Deborah Kamm, Electronics Apprentice

«Die Elektronik und die Software haben viele spannende Bereiche; genau das bietet die CEDES auch. Eine gute Ausbildung ist hier programmiert.»

Renato Frei, Electronics Apprentice

"Throughout the many departments that I get to know at CEDES during my apprenticeship, I gain insights into various fields of electronics, constantly broadening my knowledge. CEDES supports me and fosters my development in all areas of electronics. I benefit from the experience of the developers I work with and get a lot of inspiration from them."

Dario Kälin, Electronics Apprentice

"As a coach for young commercial apprentices, I am responsible for their proper vocational training and support. Accompanying apprentices on their professional path and coaching them gives me joy and new motivation every day. I am proud of our apprentices who complete their training with success."

Fabian Perottoni, Vocational Trainer in Commercial Apprenticeship

"CEDES offers a great variety of tasks and challenges to develop my professional skills. From project planning up to the implementation, I am part of the team. As an automation technician, I take over important tasks related to mechatronics in the process."

Andreas Zahnd, Automation Apprentice

“As a CEDES employee, it is impressive to work on products that are applied all over the world and largely contribute to our safety. This level of quality can only be achieved through teamwork, and in our team it feels like working with a group of friends.”

Zarina Omercehajic Husarevic, Production Worker

中国市场的发展速度非常之快。 在过去的几年中,中国的增长是非常惊人的。其在全球范围内扮演的角色越来越重要,已经成为了一个自主创新中心。 CEDES中国公司已经准备好顺势而为,将瑞士品质的高附加值产品引入中国。

Jason Zheng, Managing Director, CEDES中国

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