Visit us at interlift in Augsburg
The phrase “innovate or die” might sound rather dramatic, but at its core is the fundamental affirmation of the truth. By adhering to this saying, CEDES has rapidly evolved into one of the world’s leading manufacturers of elevator sensors, intelligent elevator shaft information and safety communication solutions.
Visit us at this year’s interlift and discover our ground-breaking new functional safety product.
The new iDiscovery is an SIL 3, EN 81-compliant position supervisor unit. In conjunction with the absolute positioning system (APS), it assumes the following safety-relevant functions of an elevator: Leveling, re-leveling and preliminary operation with open doors, detection of overspeed and unintended car movement, retardation control and emulation of emergency operation and inspection control switches.
Further booth highlights:
- TOF/Start for escalators
- Concept study – car surveillance
- CEDES webshop
Judge for yourself by visiting us at our booth 3120 in Hall 3. We look forward to meeting you.
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