Emergency communication
2N Lift1
The 2N Lift1 communication solution is designed for two-way emergency communication in the elevator. Its typical use is in elevators where communication is required between the cabin and the control centre or machine room.
The Lift1 requires connection to the elevator cabin using just 2 wires in the trailing cables/flexes. Lift1 phones can be programmed by using the dial-in menu from a phone, via easy SMS text messaging (when a 2N gateway is connected) and via the Lift1 programming tool.
More information about Lift1: 2N Lift1
Who is 2N?
2N is a European company that manufactures and develops door access control systems, including IP intercoms, answering units, and other security devices and software. Another company, 2N TELEKOMUNIKACE, provides security solutions to the public and private sectors, including intercoms, telecommunication, and IP access control systems.
About 2N: 2N
- A comprehensive solution for single lift
- Powered over phone line
- Supports CPC and P100 protocols
Extending Modules
- 2N Lift Induction Loop Amplifier, 1 Audio Input
- Blocking Module
- 2N Lift1 Programming Tool
- Amplifier Module
- Switch Module
- 2N Floor Announciator